Athens-Clarke County promotes safety in work zones
March 23rd marks the beginning of the 2015 National Work Zone Awareness Week. Athens-Clarke County and the Georgia Department of Transportation are teaming up to promote safety for both drivers and workers by reminding drivers to slow down and be more cautious in work zones.
In 2013, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration reported 579 deaths and 32 thousand injuries in highway work zones nationwide. About 85 percent of those killed in work zones were drivers and their passengers.
Kevin Gentry, the Superintendent of Streets and Drainage, explained that they are promoting awareness this week because the weather is nicer and people are out driving and enjoying the weather.
The following are tips for driving safely in work zones that are available on the Athens Clarke County website:
1. Expect the unexpected.
2. Slow down.
3. Don’t tailgate.
4. Mind the workers and their equipment.
5. Pay attention to the signs.
6. Obey road crew flaggers.
7. Stay alert and minimize distractions.
8. Keep up with the traffic flow.
9. Schedule enough time to drive safely.
10. Check media outlets and websites for traffic information.
Local road work information can be found at www.athensclarkecounty.com/publicworks.