Changes Coming to Bishop Park
Athens, Ga. — Bishop Park has been an Athens landmark for over 40 years. It’s home to the Athens Farmer’s Market, recreational activities, and a children’s playground. Community leaders are in the second phase of a planning process of improving the quality of the park. A public meeting was held on Monday to narrow down some ideas and hear feedback from the community.
The Director of Leisure Services, Pam Reidy says residents who came to the meeting could choose what they liked and disliked from three different plans. The first was an active plan, focused on recreation and improvements to increase activity in the park. The next plan showed the addition of walking trails in a passive plan. The last community plan included gathering areas for events like the Farmer’s Market.
Reidy says there will not be another public input meeting until the spring. At this meeting, they are expected to present a master plan for Bishop Park to Mayor Nancy Denson and the Commission.