Category: News
Love Wins at the Atlanta Women’s March
While people from all over Georgia came to support the Women’s March in Atlanta, they were not all there for the same reason. Current and former students at the University of Georgia […]
Why They Marched
So they marched, what’s next? The march, the message Shock, fear and anger: three emotions that resonated with many Americans as the election results surfaced, naming Donald J. Trump the 45th […]
Keeping Up With The Times
The Move Towards a Digital Revolution The How of It Create NYT ambassadors so if people refer their friends and family, they get perks and feel more […]
The Times they are a’changing By Mary Carol Butterfield, Lydia Cordero, Marli Collier, Nicholas Quartz and Connor Burks Streamline format. The New York Times has a distinct format. Subscribers need to […]
Macie Banks: Creative Marketing’s Chili Cook-Off
uploaded for Macie because 570 did not give her access.
Zach Hansen: Flu Shots & Tacos
uploading for Zach Hansen because 570 will not let him upload. *I’m in now, so it’s all good. — Z