Liza Goodlett

If my friends could describe me they would probably say, “Oh she’s the crazy horse girl!” and they are not wrong. Horses have always been a large part of my life beginning around the age of 3. My mom was a big horse back rider, so I naturally was born with the genes. I even think I was riding a horse before I could walk!

With help from my mom, financial support from my dad, and an amazing brother my whole family stayed involved with my passion for horses. We built a horse farm in 2000 in Spartanburg, SC and that is where my brother and I grew up. Throughout the years I grew up with different ponies and horses as I began to grow myself, and they all lived at our farm. My mom would help teach me at home and then on the weekends we would pull our horse trailer up to Tryon, NC where I would train with my official trainer.

When it came time to travel to horse shows, I often missed school on Friday’s. I even fondly remember when my mom would pick me up with the horse trailer from school, and she would take up the whole carpool line with our giant F-250 and two horse goose-neck trailer. She and I traveled all over the south-east together. But, it wasn’t until my junior year of high school that I began to get serious about my riding and decided to pursue and NCAA Equestrian DI scholarship. It came down to South Carolina and Georgia, and Georgia felt like the right fit for me.

I am now a senior and a captain of the No. 2 ranked school across the nation and I have two SEC Championships rings to brag about. I am also studying Journalism with a Sports Media certificate, and I have accepted a job with Equestrian Sport Production when I graduate. I have interned with that specific company for the past two summers and there could not be a better fit for me!
I was never aware of the opportunities within the horse world that involved marketing, social media, and journalism before I found this company. They have offered me multiple opportunities on camera, which is what I want to do. I will also be managing multiple social media accounts when I graduate, which is something else I found that I really enjoyed.
However, I would not be able to accomplish any of this without my family. My family has been an incredible support system, and we still own 5 horses that live on our farm back home. Needless to say, horses are a huge part of my life and will continue to be when I graduate.